Thursday, March 21, 2013

DIY: Cloth Napkins

My husband and I try to be as "green" as we can be. I would like to say that our commitment to being "green" began by our desire to save the earth, but it was actually our desire to save money. Although saving money is a major factor in our desire to be "green", we have developed a more conscious approach to the things we purchase and how we live our lives.

So what does being green and frugal in the Brownie home look like? We recycle everything. When I say everything, I really mean everything. From cans, glass and cardboard to the paper on the back of my nursing pads. Not only do we recycle, we cloth diaper, use a water filter (no plastic water bottles here), real dishes (no paper plates), and even buy second hand.

With Catherine's food allergies causing our food budget to soar, I have decided to take another step toward "greening" our home. By removing paper towels from our home I will not only save money (about $100/year), but help the earth. Over the next month I will transition my family to only using cloth napkins and towels. The only paper product that will be left in our house will be toilet paper. 

Today during nap time and even after dinner, I sewed our first set of cloth napkins. It was easy!  I simply used scrap fabric I had in my stash to create our napkins. I love the pattern. I feel it is appropriate for spring! Today I made 6 napkins.  I plan to eventually sew a total of 42 by upcycling vintage sheets I purchased for only $3 at the Salvation Army.

Do you use cloth napkins? What are the ways you save money for your family. Share your ideas for being "green" and frugal in the comment section.


  1. These cloth napkins are really cute. Loving the festive flowers. I'll be honest I don't think about going green too often :\ (I should). I guess the only money saving thing I do is buy all of Dominic's wardrobe in the off season when things are on clearance.

    1. Thank you Emily. They were fun to make. I still have a few more napkins to make to complete my collection.

      Buying clothes of season is a great money saving tip. I know here in Kansas City there are a few children's clothing stores where you can sell back old and off season clothes and get store credit. I've done that a couple of times.

      Living on one income we are always looking to save money,


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