Monday, March 18, 2013

Catherine is 16 Months!

Random facts about Catherine at 16 months:
Weight: unsure – at 15 months she was 20.11 lbs
Wears: size 18-24 month pants, 18-24month shirts, 18-24months dresses, size 4 shoes
Teeth: 5 on top ,5 on the bottom, and 3 more breaking through!
Loves: opening and closing doors, stacking blocks, dancing to music, pointing out and asking about everything around her “dis? dis?”,  running down the hallway while screaming, clapping for herself, iPhones, Elmo, saying "more, more", sliding down the slide at the park, reading books.
Hates: being hungry or thirsty, sharing
Brags: She knows the animal sounds for dog (woof woof), duck (quack quack), and can turn lights on and off, follows simple directions (put this in the trash, or bring me your cup).
Foods she loves: tomatoes, rice,orange slices, apple slices, peas, oatmeal, corn pasta,  homemade cookies, homemade and restaurant french fries, roasted chicken, corn tortillas, green beans
Foods she hates: bananas, refried beans,and eggplant
Favorite toys: her kitchen, her shape sorting blocks, stacking blocks, books with musical buttons, her mini piano, and her leap frog laptop.


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